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Russian Recipes
is well-known for its agriculture, and most traditional Russian dishes
stem from this heritage.
Additionally, Russian cooks have taken influences from the country's
historic neighbours such the Ottoman Empire and Persia,
and this "Eastern" influence can be seen in many dishes.
- Many cereal crops, including wheat, rye, millet and barley are grown
in the rich Russian soil, and these provide the raw materials
for breads, pancakes, kvass (a weakly alcoholic "bread drink")
as well as bread and vodka.
- Vegetables include beet, carrots, cucumber, potatoes,
rutabagas (yellow turnips) and turnips.
- Berries, mushrooms and honey are also used, as are meats, poultry,
fish and game.
Soups form a very important part of the Russian diet. Russian
soups include:
- Borshch - The Russian version of borscht. It is a vegetable soup that
is primarily made from bets, although meat, cabbage and potatoes are often added.
- Shchi - Russia's
traditional cabbage soup. This soup comes
in many varieties, for example their is a poor-man's
version made from only cabbage and onions, and richer versions
which add additional ingredients such as
meat, carrots, parsley, spices and herbs, as well
as apples, smetana (Russian sour cream) or pickle water.
- Soljanka - This is a thick soup with a sour spicy flavor.
The dish always contains pickled cucumbers, and may also
include cabbage, cream, dill and salty mushrooms. Mushrooms,
meat or fish are also present in the soup.

- Okroshka - This traditional Russian soup is made from kvas (the Russian
bread drink), and served cold. There are several varieties of this soup,
respectively based around fish, meat or vegetables.
In all cases the soup is made from a combination of neutral-tasting vegetables
such as carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, rutabagas (yellow turnips) and
turnips, together with green onions and other spicy vegetables such
as celery,chervil, dill, parsley or tarragon.
Spices are often added to the soup, and these may include
black pepper, mustard or pickled
- Teur - This soup is very similar to okroshka, however it is made using
bread instead of vegetables.
Some other popular Russian dishes include:
- Studen (Kholodets) - This is jellied meat (pork or veal) made using spices
and a small amount of added vegetables. The meat is boiled for a long-time
and the chilled. This dish can be used as a garnish for other dishes, or may
be eaten cold, in the latter case it is served with horse radish, mustard
or smetana (Russian sour cream).
- Pirozhki - This dish is similar pie. It is a bun stuffed with a cooked
filling. Most fillings include chopped hard-boiled eggs as well as other
ingredients. The other ingredients may be mashed potatoes and sour cream,
chopped boiled meat, or fish sautéed with onions.
- Blini - Blini is one of the better known dishes outside of
Russia - they are thin pancakes, made from wheat or buckwheat,
which are usually served topped with caviar or sour cream (but never both).
- Katlyeti - These are small meatloves made from beef or pork that are cooked
by pan-frying.
- Shashlyk - Shashlyk is the Russian version of shish kebab
(a kebab made using alternating slices of meat and onions)
Although not brought into the country until the 19th century,
it soon became a popular dish, and remains a popular street food
throughout Russia.

Additionally, beginning in the 18th century during the reign of
Catherine the Great, Russian began to open to the West.
Most noteably,
many Russian noble households brought chefs and other household
staff from
France, resulting in
a new Franco-Russian cuisine - which includes many of the most
famous "Russian" dishes now known around the world:
- Veal Orloff - This dish was created by Urbain Dubois,
who was the chef to Prince Orloff (the Russian ambassador
to France).
A braised loin of veal is cut thinly into slices, and
then the slices are restacked with
layers of pureed mushrooms and onions inbetween each slice.
The dish is then topped with white sauce and cheese, and browned in the oven.

- Beef Stoganoff - Although the exact origins of this dish remain
obscure it is believed to trace its roots to the 19th century. The
dish consists
of sautéed pieces of beef served in a sauce with sour cream.
- Sharlotka (charlotte russe) -
This dessert was created by Marie Antoine Carême, the chef to
Czar Alexander I. A mould is lined with lady fingers
(small light sponge cakes, each about the size of a finger),
and then filled with
Bavarian creme, which is a type of thick custard (it is thickened
using gelatin).
Here are some recipe books and cookbooks for
Russian food:
Related Links Related Links:
Books about Russian Cooking and Recipes
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- Brand: Flatiron Books
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- Brand: Dover Publications
- ISBN: 0486273296
- UPC: 800759273294
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- Number of Pages: 368
- Author: Lynn Visson
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Features:- Used Book in Good Condition
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